Analysis of the technology of using solar cells in clothing

  • Getmantseva V.V.

    V. V. Getmantseva. The Kosygin State University of Russia. Moscow. Russia

  • Andreeva E.G.

    E. G. Andreeva. The Kosygin State University of Russia. Moscow. Russia

  • Guseva M.A.

    M. A. Guseva.The Kosygin State University of Russia Moscow. Russia

  • V. S. Belgorodsky

    V. S. Belgorodsky.The Kosygin State University of Russia. Moscow. Russia

  • A. V. Razbroddin

    A. V. Razbrodin. The Kosygin State University of Russia Moscow. Russia

  • D. S. Smirnova

    D. S. Smirnova. Analysis of the technology of using solar cells in clothing

  • A. A. Kryuchkova

    A. A. Kryuchkova The Kosygin State University of Russia Moscow. Russia


In order to develop products with the function of energy storage, a detailed analysis of existing technologies for the use of solar cells in clothing was carried out. In the process of studying the principles of solar panels, identified regions in which these technologies in clothing are the most promising. These are regions such as Krasnodar region, Rostov region, Caucasus, Altai, southern Siberia, far East, Transbaikalia. The advantages and disadvantages of the process of using solar panels are determined. The analysis of variants of application of solar batteries in light industry is carried out. The analysis showed the prospects of the technology of using solar cells in clothing and a high degree of possible
implementation of this technology on an industrial scale. For the purposes of designing and making clothes is the most important are such factors as recoverability, neissyakaemoi, consistency, accessibility, quietness, efficiency, wide application. According to the results of the study, the variants of the solution of solar  batteries, allowing devices to maintain their function in the darkening conditions, were determined. The latest developments in the design of solar panels aimed at improving their characteristics, such as the  thickness  and  weight  of  the  device,  have  been  studied.  On  the  example  of  head-dresses the authors demonstrate the basic principle of operation of the technology un-
der study, as well as options for compositional and constructive solutions of headdresses for departmental clothing.
Keywords: solar panels; "smart" clothes; design of garments; departmental clothing; hats.